Groveton Virginia

Troop 2849






Welcome to Troop 2849!

We are a Junior troop made up of 4th and 5th graders based out of Groveton Elementary in Alexandria.

Being part of a girl scout troop is like having a set of friends that never fails, friends that take you on adventures and give you the chance to try new things. You grow together, play together, and learn together. We have a lot of exciting activities planned for the year and we’d love for you to join us so come visit us the next time you’re in the neighborhood!

I’ll leave you with a couple of lines from my favorite Girl Scout song:

Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver. The other is gold. A circle is round, it has no end, that’s how long I want to be your friend.

Be amazing. Be unstoppable. Be a girl scout.

~ Pilar Wootton, Troop Leader

News Section

A Work In Progress

Our site is currently a work in progress. We are activilyt working on the design and adding conent.

Most importantly, we are adding the events page so scouts and parents can know of upcomming events and meetings.

Thank you.